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The widespread of CoVid19 has led to a driven spike in the demand properly for the Professional Services Package

10:00  | 12/03/2020

Most importantly, to prevent the global CoVid 19 pandemic, the enterprise should consider remote staffing to limit the pool of manpower at the office. Prevention, a better cure!


Until desperate now, more than 95,000 cases of coronavirus infection have been confirmed in 81 countries, most of which are in China. The COVID-19 virus has spread to other parts of Asia, Europe, and the Middle East. Currently, there are 21 confirmed cases of CoVid 19 in Vietnam. According to the Ministry of Health, there were 101 people suspected of being infected with CoVid-19 due to signs of fever, cough, merely coming from epidemic areas, all are under medical isolation and closely monitored to prevent spreading.  


Enterprises around the world have limited employees to attend business trips and request workers to work from home for two weeks after completed previous business trips. Even grand companies like Amazon, Google, Twister, Apple or Microsoft also restrict extracurricular seminar activities. Otherwise, they stopped organizing live events and replaced them with online events. To protect carefully workers from the outbreak of CoVid 19, companies in Europe, Asia, and the United States have started asking their employees to work from home as a preventive measure of spread. 


The widespread coronavirus has properly led to a driven spike in the effective demand for remote workers. Hiring remote staff, businesses will easily hire high-quality employees on and minimize the costs of business operation, insurance benefits... Moreover, remote workers, they don't need your office space so they won't consume on-site resources like bandwidth and electricity, or they don't require standard equipment like desks and computers. Most importantly, to prevent the global CoVid 19 pandemic, the enterprise should consider remote staffing to limit the pool of manpower at the office. Prevention, a better cure!


Why OSAM?  

We, Osamers, correctly are solutions architects, who have been searching and conquering the challenges of cloud computing from 2010 to the present. OSAM is efficient by a creative team of international certificate holders issued by Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud Platform, operating the best cloud computing solution for customers. All OSAMers must properly invest a minimum of 1,000 hours of independent research and standard practice before receiving certification issued by Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud. We appreciate humane values and also focus on delivering the best customer experience along with effective solutions for their cloud-based systems. OSAM focuses on Professional Services Packages (PSP) to maintain long-term cooperation relationships between OSAM and customers, partners. We expect to be able to bring our high-quality personnel to support and share the burden with businesses to help them build a safe, high-performance system.

Testimonial for our Professional Services Package 

“We have had critical times of crisis because of the lack of high-quality personnel for the maintenance and sustainable management of our infrastructure. OSAM has undoubtedly helped us optimize our time and costs with the PSP only.” _ Panasonic

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